By 2040, electric vehicles will dominate sales, reducing oil demand by 13 million barrels per day
Passenger car sales from ice have already reached a peak, and this development will have wide implications not only for the automotive sector, but also for oil and gas, metals…

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Tesla Model S and X were created a long time ago, but they continue to be the standard of electric vehicles
"There will be no updates to Model X or Model S, only a number of minor current changes" — this short statement by Elon Musk caused a storm of gloomy…

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Oil and gas companies are currently investing heavily in electric vehicle charging companies
For decades, oil and gas companies and utilities have refused to accept electric vehicles as a given. Now oil and energy giants are becoming part of the "new fuels"industry. According…

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How to make the transition to electric vehicles simple and convenient for consumers

As the demand for electric vehicles begins to go beyond the usual forecasts, the transition from petrol and diesel vehicles to electric vehicles should become easier and more convenient for consumers.

One of the initial problems associated with electric vehicles is the availability of a sufficient number of charging points. Many people have a question where to find the nearest charging station or point. So far, charging stations, unlike petrol stations, are not so well developed, they are often difficult to see from the road. Chargers are often located in an inconspicuous place, for example, in a quiet, poorly lit corner of a shopping Park. Continue reading

All official electric vehicles of Ukraine: prices, specifications, specifications
The level of popularity of electric vehicles in Ukraine and legislative initiatives that contribute to the further popularization of eco-friendly cars in the country, are increasingly forcing dealers to think…


Electric car for dummies: how to read the characteristics of electric vehicles
Do you not understand the meaning of a particular definition in the characteristics of the vehicle with electric drive? If Yes, the following material is especially for you. The fact…


What electric vehicles will debut in the coming years?
Automakers and startups are preparing a fleet of new electric vehicles, crossovers, SUVs and even pickups for the coming model years. For example, new electric cars that will go to…
