What can France tell the world about selling electric cars?
France plans to ban fossil-fuel-powered cars by 2040, and Paris has said it will ban them by 2030. However, only 2% of all cars sold in France in 2018 were…

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The reasons why electric cars are better than hydrogen cars are named
The fuel cell vehicles despite its apparent efficiency and environmental friendliness — are doomed. This is mainly due to the emergence of stronger competitors among electric vehicles. This opinion was…

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Which is better: a fully electric car or a plug-in hybrid?
The rivalry between clean electric cars and plug-in hybrids is now reaching its highest peak of confrontation. Many agree that clean electric vehicles are the future, but also pay tribute…

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Why is it more profitable to produce electric cars than cars with ice?

1. Minimum engine options maximum power configurations
The biggest advantage of electric vehicle manufacturers is the easily variable power inherent in electric motors.

The manufacturer can produce only a few motors, but offer up to 30 different transmission options. In short, “horsepower”, which is not the correct definition for electric motors, can be adjusted, that is, one motor can have several power options.

In turn, the manufacturer of cars with ice, to offer similar variability and be able to compete, must spend money on the development and creation of a much larger number of engines, with each engine will need its own production and Assembly line, while the manufacturer of electric vehicles is satisfied with the simplicity of design and savings on Assembly due to the smaller size of the electric motor. Continue reading

Volkswagen’s radical strategy: put everything on electricity

Volkswagen has set itself the goal of a possible profitable mass production of electric vehicles in the amount of 80 billion euros (91 billion us dollars) — a feat that no automaker has not even reached.

If Volkswagen realizes its ambitions to become a world leader in the field of electric vehicles, this will happen thanks to a radical and risky rate. The German giant placed a bet on 80 billion euros (91 billion us dollars) and the possibility of profitable mass production of electric vehicles — a feat that no automaker has achieved. So far, the plans of most major automakers have been one major goal: to protect profits from expensive cars with ice and to replenish their range and fleet with enough zero-emission vehicles to meet environmental standards. Continue reading

Tesla history in 5 minutes: learn all about the company Elon Musk

The network has a 5-minute video in animated form from Visual Capitalist and Global Energy Metals about the history of Tesla since the company’s inception to the present day.

The video focuses on 3 main points:
Lithium-ion batteries that need to be constantly improved so that electric vehicles can become the most popular means of transportation.
Electric vehicles as the beginning of a possible transition of the world to sustainable energy.
Cost savings on electric vehicles by increasing the level of production. Continue reading

Oil and gas companies are currently investing heavily in electric vehicle charging companies
For decades, oil and gas companies and utilities have refused to accept electric vehicles as a given. Now oil and energy giants are becoming part of the "new fuels"industry. According…


All official electric vehicles of Ukraine: prices, specifications, specifications
The level of popularity of electric vehicles in Ukraine and legislative initiatives that contribute to the further popularization of eco-friendly cars in the country, are increasingly forcing dealers to think…


All official electric vehicles of Ukraine: prices, specifications, specifications
The level of popularity of electric vehicles in Ukraine and legislative initiatives that contribute to the further popularization of eco-friendly cars in the country, are increasingly forcing dealers to think…
