Oil and gas companies are currently investing heavily in electric vehicle charging companies
For decades, oil and gas companies and utilities have refused to accept electric vehicles as a given. Now oil and energy giants are becoming part of the "new fuels"industry. According…

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The most interesting from the presentation Model Y of Elon musk: Tesla's range now has become a "S3XY»
In the Tesla design Studio in Hawthorne, a presentation of the new model Y. electric car was held. Traditionally, the new electric car was represented by Tesla CEO Elon Musk,…

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The reasons why electric cars are better than hydrogen cars are named
The fuel cell vehicles despite its apparent efficiency and environmental friendliness — are doomed. This is mainly due to the emergence of stronger competitors among electric vehicles. This opinion was…

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A study on the example of the VW Golf: the ownership of the electric car cheaper than cars with internal combustion engines in 5 European countries

Electric cars have become cheaper to own than their petrol or diesel alternatives in five European countries — the UK, Germany, France, the Netherlands and Norway.

In the course of research of the International Council for environmentally friendly transport (ICCT) were studied the costs of purchase, fuel and taxes for the bestseller in Europe Volkswagen Golf in electric, hybrid, gasoline and diesel versions in 5 countries in Europe — the UK, Germany, France, the Netherlands and Norway. Continue reading

By the mid-2020s, the prices for electric buses will be equal to the ice analogues

Analytical report Bloomberg NEF Electric Vehicle Outlook 2019 indicated that the sale of ice cars in 2018 reached its peak and then the world will move faster to electric vehicles.

It is particularly worth noting that in the forefront of the electric car revolution are not cars, and a modest city bus.

Bloomberg analysts point out that by 2040, almost 70% of buses in the world will be electric, for the rest of the transport, this figure is about 60%. And since the electric bus is the main enemy of oil, the transport evolution depends primarily on it. Continue reading

Experts have predicted 3 major evolutionary changes in the automotive industry by 2030
Cars will change in the next decade more than in the last century. And that's probably a good thing, because cars account for a significant share of global carbon dioxide…


Six reasons why you should rent an electric car
Electric cars are rapidly and successfully becoming part of the automotive industry — in 2018, almost 400,000 electrified cars (clean electric cars and plug-in hybrids) were registered in Europe, and…


Charging infrastructure of Ukraine does not keep up with the growth of the number of electric vehicles
The infrastructure for electric vehicles, and primarily charging stations, is developing more slowly than the number of electric vehicles is growing. This applies to all countries where electric cars are…
