Tesla history in 5 minutes: learn all about the company Elon Musk
The network has a 5-minute video in animated form from Visual Capitalist and Global Energy Metals about the history of Tesla since the company's inception to the present day. The…

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Electric cars are a triple win for climate, clean air and the economy
The production of electric vehicles is still more expensive than the production of their gasoline competitors, but policy changes and market expansion can quickly change in favor of electric vehicles.…

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BNEF: by 2040, almost 60% of new car sales will be electric
According to estimates by Bloomberg sales of fuel and vehicles has already peaked, and perhaps never more to rise, because the price of batteries fell. The increase in the number…

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Which is better: a fully electric car or a plug-in hybrid?

The rivalry between clean electric cars and plug-in hybrids is now reaching its highest peak of confrontation. Many agree that clean electric vehicles are the future, but also pay tribute to plug-in hybrids as a transitional stage to the further development of the all-electric era.
To finally understand the issue you need to analyze how long the plug-in hybrids (PHEV) will be relevant, having considered several interesting questions.

How much reserve electricity to clean enough? Continue reading

Electric cars will not save the planet without renewable energy

Several countries, including France, Norway and the UK, are planning to abandon fossil-fuel-powered cars by 2040-50 to reduce air pollution and combat climate change. The idea is to replace cars with internal combustion engines by electric vehicles. However, this is unlikely to help the environment, as electric vehicles are charged with electricity, which is produced from the same “dirty” fossil fuel.

By 2040, global electricity consumption by electric vehicles will rise to 1,800 TWh — about five times the current annual electricity consumption in the UK. Using UK data as a benchmark, carbon emissions will amount to an additional 510 megatons coming from the electricity sector worldwide. But this figure can be significantly reduced if electricity is produced exclusively from renewable energy sources and not from fossil fuels. Continue reading

The fight against "diesel" increased harmful emissions into the atmosphere
The "deselect" in 2016, which revealed that Volkswagen AG has used the program codes to the lowering of emissions of nitrogen oxides in their cars, found that the level of…


Geneva motor show: the electric car revolution could begin before Europe is ready
The Geneva motor show 2019 is a car show where they say the electric car revolution is about to begin. Sales of electric vehicles are growing rapidly, but in comparison…


Plug-in-hybrids — "enabling technology" for the transition to electric vehicles
Many consider plug-in hybrids to be a transitional stage between cars with internal combustion engines and fully electric cars, but automakers are bringing new plug-in hybrid models to the market,…
