The reasons why electric cars are better than hydrogen cars are named
The fuel cell vehicles despite its apparent efficiency and environmental friendliness — are doomed. This is mainly due to the emergence of stronger competitors among electric vehicles. This opinion was…

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Electric cars will not save the planet without renewable energy
Several countries, including France, Norway and the UK, are planning to abandon fossil-fuel-powered cars by 2040-50 to reduce air pollution and combat climate change. The idea is to replace cars…

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Research: electric cars can save billions on healthcare
According to the Australian study "Clean and safe roads for New South Wales" and its report, health care costs could be reduced by billions of dollars if drivers in the…

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Oil and gas companies are currently investing heavily in electric vehicle charging companies

For decades, oil and gas companies and utilities have refused to accept electric vehicles as a given. Now oil and energy giants are becoming part of the “new fuels”industry.

According to forecasts, more than 350 new models of electric vehicles will appear by 2025. Global demand for gasoline will peak around 2021, thanks to improved fuel efficiency. Wood Mackenzie predicts that infrastructure investment in the US will exceed $ 18 billion per year in equipment, installation, operation and services by 2030. China is expected to have three times more energy demand from electric vehicles by then. Continue reading

Head of Volkswagen advanced technology Center: “our batteries prolong the life of the car»

Frank bloom explains in an interview how batteries change a car, what drivers need to know about charging their electric cars, and what advances can be expected in the next generations of battery technology.

Many people face uncertainty when they buy an electric car. Can they be sure the batteries will work?
Yes, certainly. For our new electric models we have created batteries at affordable prices, which have enough capacity to store energy to provide a power reserve on a single charge up to 550 km. Previously, battery modules were distributed in different places of the car, but now the battery is compactly located between the axles in the bottom of the body. This means that we have a Central point of energy distribution. This is one of the great advantages of our new MEB electric platform. Continue reading

The reasons why electric cars are better than hydrogen cars are named
The fuel cell vehicles despite its apparent efficiency and environmental friendliness — are doomed. This is mainly due to the emergence of stronger competitors among electric vehicles. This opinion was…


How Volkswagen is preparing to enter the market of electric vehicles series I. D.
In the Volkswagen showroom, near Wolfsburg, gathered about 5,000 dealers from all over Europe (Germany, Hungary, Austria) to witness the preparation of the company to enter the world market of…


The fight against "diesel" increased harmful emissions into the atmosphere
The "deselect" in 2016, which revealed that Volkswagen AG has used the program codes to the lowering of emissions of nitrogen oxides in their cars, found that the level of…
