5 records set by Renault electric vehicles
Thanks to new technologies, rapidly growing market, huge investments from manufacturers, electric mobility is on the way to the revolutionary development of tomorrow's transport and that's why! Wireless charging of…

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How Volkswagen is preparing to enter the market of electric vehicles series I. D.
In the Volkswagen showroom, near Wolfsburg, gathered about 5,000 dealers from all over Europe (Germany, Hungary, Austria) to witness the preparation of the company to enter the world market of…

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Six reasons why you should rent an electric car
Electric cars are rapidly and successfully becoming part of the automotive industry — in 2018, almost 400,000 electrified cars (clean electric cars and plug-in hybrids) were registered in Europe, and…

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Mortality from air pollution in Europe is twice as high as previous estimates

Scientists insist: air pollution kills 800,000 people a year in Europe, it’s time to stop burning fossil fuels.

According to a study published in the European Heart Journal, twice as many people die from air pollution in Europe than previously thought.

Using a new method of modelling the impact of different sources of air pollution on mortality, the researchers found that it had resulted in 790,000 additional deaths across Europe, of which 659,000 were attributable to 28 States of the European Union. Between 40 and 80% of the causes of these deaths were related to heart attacks and strokes, so air pollution caused twice as many deaths from cardiovascular diseases than from respiratory diseases, which were taken into account in 2015 studies. Continue reading

A study on the example of the VW Golf: the ownership of the electric car cheaper than cars with internal combustion engines in 5 European countries
Electric cars have become cheaper to own than their petrol or diesel alternatives in five European countries — the UK, Germany, France, the Netherlands and Norway. In the course of…


How to make the transition to electric vehicles simple and convenient for consumers
As the demand for electric vehicles begins to go beyond the usual forecasts, the transition from petrol and diesel vehicles to electric vehicles should become easier and more convenient for…


Head of Volkswagen advanced technology Center: "our batteries prolong the life of the car»
Frank bloom explains in an interview how batteries change a car, what drivers need to know about charging their electric cars, and what advances can be expected in the next…
