Used batteries from electric vehicles can disrupt the energy sector and create value for energy storage
The battery does not expire after it has already exhausted its initial use in an electric vehicle. Batteries have great potential for reuse in stationary energy storage systems. In addition,…

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Charging infrastructure of Ukraine does not keep up with the growth of the number of electric vehicles
The infrastructure for electric vehicles, and primarily charging stations, is developing more slowly than the number of electric vehicles is growing. This applies to all countries where electric cars are…

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A study on the example of the VW Golf: the ownership of the electric car cheaper than cars with internal combustion engines in 5 European countries
Electric cars have become cheaper to own than their petrol or diesel alternatives in five European countries — the UK, Germany, France, the Netherlands and Norway. In the course of…

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electric vehicles

BNEF: by 2040, almost 60% of new car sales will be electric

According to estimates by Bloomberg sales of fuel and vehicles has already peaked, and perhaps never more to rise, because the price of batteries fell. The increase in the number of electric vehicles, in turn, means that the peak demand for oil can come in just 10 years.

According to a new Bloomberg NEF report, oil demand is projected to peak in 2028 for passenger cars and in 2035 for commercial vehicles. The rapid growth in electric vehicle sales will cause a slowdown, a peak, and then a drop in oil consumption. Oil prices and the cost of investment in oil companies will fall. Continue reading

5 records set by Renault electric vehicles

Thanks to new technologies, rapidly growing market, huge investments from manufacturers, electric mobility is on the way to the revolutionary development of tomorrow’s transport and that’s why!

Wireless charging of electric vehicles: a dream come true

This is an important step for electric mobility, an unprecedented achievement. The stakes were high, as this innovation could revolutionize the use of electric vehicles in the future.

In may 2017, two Renault Kangoo Z. E. took part in the tests on the Satory test track located in the French city of Versailles. This is a new type of road, equipped with an inductive charging system for electric vehicles with a length of 250 meters. Continue reading

Why is little Norway leading the world in the use of electric vehicles?

Almost 60% of new cars sold in Norway in March 2019 were fully electric. Record statistics regarding Norway and electric vehicles show that the Scandinavian nation hopes to stop selling cars powered by fossil fuels by 2025.

Sales figures for electric vehicles may be even higher, but thousands of Norwegians find themselves in long waiting lists because dealerships do not have time to import enough electric vehicles. According to industry data, 11,518 electric vehicles were registered in Norway in the first quarter of 2019, which is twice as much as in the previous year. The new Tesla Model 3, Nissan Leaf, and Volkswagen e-Golf make up the majority of registrations. Continue reading

What is the difference between electric vehicles and hybrids or plug-in hybrids
Electric vehicles that you can buy are a relatively new product on the market. Hybrid cars that combine a conventional petrol or diesel engine with an electric motor have been…


Head of Volkswagen advanced technology Center: "our batteries prolong the life of the car»
Frank bloom explains in an interview how batteries change a car, what drivers need to know about charging their electric cars, and what advances can be expected in the next…


Charging infrastructure of Ukraine does not keep up with the growth of the number of electric vehicles
The infrastructure for electric vehicles, and primarily charging stations, is developing more slowly than the number of electric vehicles is growing. This applies to all countries where electric cars are…
