Tesla history in 5 minutes: learn all about the company Elon Musk
The network has a 5-minute video in animated form from Visual Capitalist and Global Energy Metals about the history of Tesla since the company's inception to the present day. The…

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BNEF: by 2040, almost 60% of new car sales will be electric
According to estimates by Bloomberg sales of fuel and vehicles has already peaked, and perhaps never more to rise, because the price of batteries fell. The increase in the number…

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World automakers see China as their launching pad for electric vehicles
This week, some of the world's largest automobile companies presented their flagship electric vehicles at the Shanghai motor show. Many of these electric cars will only be available in China,…

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Six reasons why you should rent an electric car

Electric cars are rapidly and successfully becoming part of the automotive industry — in 2018, almost 400,000 electrified cars (clean electric cars and plug-in hybrids) were registered in Europe, and this year their number will increase.

If you can not afford to buy an electric car, think about its long-term lease. Here are 6 reasons why you should rent an electric car:

Significant savings on rent
Rent an electric car will cost you much cheaper than its full purchase. Continue reading

BNEF: by 2040, almost 60% of new car sales will be electric
According to estimates by Bloomberg sales of fuel and vehicles has already peaked, and perhaps never more to rise, because the price of batteries fell. The increase in the number…


Electric cars are a triple win for climate, clean air and the economy
The production of electric vehicles is still more expensive than the production of their gasoline competitors, but policy changes and market expansion can quickly change in favor of electric vehicles.…


Used batteries from electric vehicles can disrupt the energy sector and create value for energy storage
The battery does not expire after it has already exhausted its initial use in an electric vehicle. Batteries have great potential for reuse in stationary energy storage systems. In addition,…
