Moderate skepticism: electric cars are definitely not more harmful than diesel cars
Electric cars pollute the environment by 11-28% more than comparable diesel cars. Such a loud statement was made a month ago by a group of German scientists, which attracted a…

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Electric cars: myths and reality from Volkswagen
1."No one can afford an electric car!» Electric cars are becoming more attractive and affordable. For example, the cost of batteries has fallen by about 80% over the past ten…

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BNEF: by 2040, almost 60% of new car sales will be electric
According to estimates by Bloomberg sales of fuel and vehicles has already peaked, and perhaps never more to rise, because the price of batteries fell. The increase in the number…

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Six reasons why you should rent an electric car

Electric cars are rapidly and successfully becoming part of the automotive industry — in 2018, almost 400,000 electrified cars (clean electric cars and plug-in hybrids) were registered in Europe, and this year their number will increase.

If you can not afford to buy an electric car, think about its long-term lease. Here are 6 reasons why you should rent an electric car:

Significant savings on rent
Rent an electric car will cost you much cheaper than its full purchase. Continue reading

What is the difference between electric vehicles and hybrids or plug-in hybrids
Electric vehicles that you can buy are a relatively new product on the market. Hybrid cars that combine a conventional petrol or diesel engine with an electric motor have been…


By 2040, electric vehicles will dominate sales, reducing oil demand by 13 million barrels per day
Passenger car sales from ice have already reached a peak, and this development will have wide implications not only for the automotive sector, but also for oil and gas, metals…


Which is better: a fully electric car or a plug-in hybrid?
The rivalry between clean electric cars and plug-in hybrids is now reaching its highest peak of confrontation. Many agree that clean electric vehicles are the future, but also pay tribute…
