Problems of using electric vehicles in winter and their solutions
Lithium-ion batteries are very sensitive to temperature. At the same time they are equally bad tolerate extremely high and too low temperature, because when it gets very cold, the electrolyte…

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World automakers see China as their launching pad for electric vehicles
This week, some of the world's largest automobile companies presented their flagship electric vehicles at the Shanghai motor show. Many of these electric cars will only be available in China,…

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Plug-in-hybrids — "enabling technology" for the transition to electric vehicles
Many consider plug-in hybrids to be a transitional stage between cars with internal combustion engines and fully electric cars, but automakers are bringing new plug-in hybrid models to the market,…

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Electric car for dummies: how to read the characteristics of electric vehicles

Do you not understand the meaning of a particular definition in the characteristics of the vehicle with electric drive? If Yes, the following material is especially for you. The fact is that in the world of electric cars, some characteristics of cars have different measurement criteria, as well as completely new, unfamiliar definitions to beginners.

We present an overview of the terms of electric vehicle topics that you probably met, but perhaps did not quite understand what they mean or found it difficult to draw analogies with the same characteristics in cars with internal combustion engines (internal combustion engine). Continue reading

Charging infrastructure of Ukraine does not keep up with the growth of the number of electric vehicles
The infrastructure for electric vehicles, and primarily charging stations, is developing more slowly than the number of electric vehicles is growing. This applies to all countries where electric cars are…


Head of Volkswagen advanced technology Center: "our batteries prolong the life of the car»
Frank bloom explains in an interview how batteries change a car, what drivers need to know about charging their electric cars, and what advances can be expected in the next…


The engineers at Tesla have shared their secrets of control, transmission and suspension Model 3
Tesla Model 3 almost captured the market of electric vehicles, with high speed, high performance and energy efficiency. It is easy and comfortable to operate, it is stable on the…
