Why is little Norway leading the world in the use of electric vehicles?
Almost 60% of new cars sold in Norway in March 2019 were fully electric. Record statistics regarding Norway and electric vehicles show that the Scandinavian nation hopes to stop selling…

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Research: electric cars can save billions on healthcare
According to the Australian study "Clean and safe roads for New South Wales" and its report, health care costs could be reduced by billions of dollars if drivers in the…

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Buy or not buy electric cars after commercial use
New electric cars, though falling in price faster than expected, but still remain quite expensive. Therefore, for the Ukrainian buyer, the alternative is the purchase of electric vehicles with mileage,…

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Monthly Archives: February 2018

Buy or not buy electric cars after commercial use

New electric cars, though falling in price faster than expected, but still remain quite expensive. Therefore, for the Ukrainian buyer, the alternative is the purchase of electric vehicles with mileage, which from year to year in the models on the secondary market is becoming more and more, especially if the machines were initially involved in commercial areas of use: taxi services, car sharing, passenger transportation. Such electric cars are usually sold immediately after reaching the guaranteed mileage (an average of 100,000 miles for the US).

Everyone knows that the machine with the engine, which worked in such services can not take categorically, because they will literally fall apart. And what about the carts that have the mileage exceeded 150,000 km? Continue reading

By the mid-2020s, the prices for electric buses will be equal to the ice analogues

Analytical report Bloomberg NEF Electric Vehicle Outlook 2019 indicated that the sale of ice cars in 2018 reached its peak and then the world will move faster to electric vehicles.

It is particularly worth noting that in the forefront of the electric car revolution are not cars, and a modest city bus.

Bloomberg analysts point out that by 2040, almost 70% of buses in the world will be electric, for the rest of the transport, this figure is about 60%. And since the electric bus is the main enemy of oil, the transport evolution depends primarily on it. Continue reading

How to protect your electric car from cheap and homemade charging equipment
In Ukraine, the boom of artisanal manufacturers of charging equipment for electric vehicles. Most of the domestic charging equipment for electric vehicles is produced "in the kitchen". A little from…


How Volkswagen is preparing to enter the market of electric vehicles series I. D.
In the Volkswagen showroom, near Wolfsburg, gathered about 5,000 dealers from all over Europe (Germany, Hungary, Austria) to witness the preparation of the company to enter the world market of…


Mortality from air pollution in Europe is twice as high as previous estimates
Scientists insist: air pollution kills 800,000 people a year in Europe, it's time to stop burning fossil fuels. According to a study published in the European Heart Journal, twice as…
