How Volkswagen is preparing to enter the market of electric vehicles series I. D.
In the Volkswagen showroom, near Wolfsburg, gathered about 5,000 dealers from all over Europe (Germany, Hungary, Austria) to witness the preparation of the company to enter the world market of…

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Charging infrastructure of Ukraine does not keep up with the growth of the number of electric vehicles
The infrastructure for electric vehicles, and primarily charging stations, is developing more slowly than the number of electric vehicles is growing. This applies to all countries where electric cars are…

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BNEF: by 2040, almost 60% of new car sales will be electric
According to estimates by Bloomberg sales of fuel and vehicles has already peaked, and perhaps never more to rise, because the price of batteries fell. The increase in the number…

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battery of the electric vehicle

The fight against “diesel” increased harmful emissions into the atmosphere

The “deselect” in 2016, which revealed that Volkswagen AG has used the program codes to the lowering of emissions of nitrogen oxides in their cars, found that the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere much greater than previously thought and has a greater impact on the climate.

It was estimated that in 2017, CO2 emissions from new cars were higher than in 2016, and for the first time since 2010 increased according to annual indicators. A simple explanation was found: diesel cars Volkswagen AG sold in 2016 with low emissions. Continue reading

All official electric vehicles of Ukraine: prices, specifications, specifications

The level of popularity of electric vehicles in Ukraine and legislative initiatives that contribute to the further popularization of eco-friendly cars in the country, are increasingly forcing dealers to think about the official import of electric cars, creating them equal to the ice-car conditions for the sale, warranty and service. Already now a number of importers officially sell models of electric vehicles in Ukraine and further plan to expand their representation in the market.

What electric cars can be bought in Ukraine officially in 2019?
Electric car BMW i3 2019 (42.2 kWh)
BMW i3 2019 (42.2 kWh) Continue reading

The engineers at Tesla have shared their secrets of control, transmission and suspension Model 3

Tesla Model 3 almost captured the market of electric vehicles, with high speed, high performance and energy efficiency. It is easy and comfortable to operate, it is stable on the road, and its power reserve allows you to move over long distances.

Tesla engineers spoke about the design and development process of Model 3. It turns out that design and safety were the main points in the development of the electric car. The chassis and suspension of the Model 3 were designed from the ground up, tires engineers lovingly called the “undetected heroes” of the vehicle as they are crucial to the handling and stability of an electric vehicle on the road. The development of model 3 tires began back in 2015, when Tesla began working with manufacturers to create the perfect tires for an electric sedan. Continue reading

Depreciation of electric cars is happening faster than anticipated: in 2022 electric cars will become cheaper than internal combustion engine cars
Every year BloombergNEF analyzes the cost of buying an electric car in all major parameters and compares it with the cost of a car with an internal combustion engine of…


Research: electric cars can save billions on healthcare
According to the Australian study "Clean and safe roads for New South Wales" and its report, health care costs could be reduced by billions of dollars if drivers in the…


Problems of using electric vehicles in winter and their solutions
Lithium-ion batteries are very sensitive to temperature. At the same time they are equally bad tolerate extremely high and too low temperature, because when it gets very cold, the electrolyte…
