Problems of using electric vehicles in winter and their solutions
Lithium-ion batteries are very sensitive to temperature. At the same time they are equally bad tolerate extremely high and too low temperature, because when it gets very cold, the electrolyte…

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Electric cars: myths and reality from Volkswagen
1."No one can afford an electric car!» Electric cars are becoming more attractive and affordable. For example, the cost of batteries has fallen by about 80% over the past ten…

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What electric vehicles will debut in the coming years?
Automakers and startups are preparing a fleet of new electric vehicles, crossovers, SUVs and even pickups for the coming model years. For example, new electric cars that will go to…

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electric charge

What is the difference between electric vehicles and hybrids or plug-in hybrids

Electric vehicles that you can buy are a relatively new product on the market. Hybrid cars that combine a conventional petrol or diesel engine with an electric motor have been around for a long time.

Gasoline-electric cars like the Toyota Prius or the new RAV4 hybrid aren’t technically electric cars because they can’t be plugged in and charged from an external source. They have very low-capacity batteries, and the electric motor is designed to help a conventional engine, rather than drive the car yourself.

Hybrids (HEV) charge their batteries, restoring energy that is usually lost during braking and deceleration, and sometimes directly from a gasoline engine. Continue reading

All official electric vehicles of Ukraine: prices, specifications, specifications
The level of popularity of electric vehicles in Ukraine and legislative initiatives that contribute to the further popularization of eco-friendly cars in the country, are increasingly forcing dealers to think…


How to make the transition to electric vehicles simple and convenient for consumers
As the demand for electric vehicles begins to go beyond the usual forecasts, the transition from petrol and diesel vehicles to electric vehicles should become easier and more convenient for…


Electric cars will not save the planet without renewable energy
Several countries, including France, Norway and the UK, are planning to abandon fossil-fuel-powered cars by 2040-50 to reduce air pollution and combat climate change. The idea is to replace cars…
