The reasons why electric cars are better than hydrogen cars are named
The fuel cell vehicles despite its apparent efficiency and environmental friendliness — are doomed. This is mainly due to the emergence of stronger competitors among electric vehicles. This opinion was…

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Head of Volkswagen advanced technology Center: "our batteries prolong the life of the car»
Frank bloom explains in an interview how batteries change a car, what drivers need to know about charging their electric cars, and what advances can be expected in the next…

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Retail is dead: why Tesla will get more profit by closing stores
Elon Musk recently announced that Tesla will close 10-30% of retail stores with low efficiency and completely change its sales strategy. Some shareholders of the company have already expressed their…

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Tesla Model S and X were created a long time ago, but they continue to be the standard of electric vehicles

“There will be no updates to Model X or Model S, only a number of minor current changes” — this short statement by Elon Musk caused a storm of gloomy emotions among Internet users.

“It’s like planes,” said Rebecca Lindland (Rebecca Lindland) from, Model S and Model X were created a long time ago, but they continue to be the standard of electric vehicles. Lindland believes that the car is a commodity, not a subject of self-expression, so over time customers will notice increasingly long gaps between model upgrades, especially when it comes to self-driving car parks owned by corporations rather than individuals, so it is likely that cars will no longer be fashion. Continue reading

First critics were the capabilities of the Tesla electric truck Semi
A study by Transport and Environment, a consortium of European environmental organizations, compared energy consumption and the environmental impact of conventional diesel trucks and their all-electric counterparts. Two different diesel…


All official electric vehicles of Ukraine: prices, specifications, specifications
The level of popularity of electric vehicles in Ukraine and legislative initiatives that contribute to the further popularization of eco-friendly cars in the country, are increasingly forcing dealers to think…


Electric car for dummies: how to read the characteristics of electric vehicles
Do you not understand the meaning of a particular definition in the characteristics of the vehicle with electric drive? If Yes, the following material is especially for you. The fact…
