Why is little Norway leading the world in the use of electric vehicles?
Almost 60% of new cars sold in Norway in March 2019 were fully electric. Record statistics regarding Norway and electric vehicles show that the Scandinavian nation hopes to stop selling…

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Electric cars are a triple win for climate, clean air and the economy
The production of electric vehicles is still more expensive than the production of their gasoline competitors, but policy changes and market expansion can quickly change in favor of electric vehicles.…

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Mortality from air pollution in Europe is twice as high as previous estimates
Scientists insist: air pollution kills 800,000 people a year in Europe, it's time to stop burning fossil fuels. According to a study published in the European Heart Journal, twice as…

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Monthly Archives: September 2018

Mortality from air pollution in Europe is twice as high as previous estimates

Scientists insist: air pollution kills 800,000 people a year in Europe, it’s time to stop burning fossil fuels.

According to a study published in the European Heart Journal, twice as many people die from air pollution in Europe than previously thought.

Using a new method of modelling the impact of different sources of air pollution on mortality, the researchers found that it had resulted in 790,000 additional deaths across Europe, of which 659,000 were attributable to 28 States of the European Union. Between 40 and 80% of the causes of these deaths were related to heart attacks and strokes, so air pollution caused twice as many deaths from cardiovascular diseases than from respiratory diseases, which were taken into account in 2015 studies. Continue reading

The most interesting from the presentation Model Y of Elon musk: Tesla’s range now has become a “S3XY»

In the Tesla design Studio in Hawthorne, a presentation of the new model Y. electric car was held. Traditionally, the new electric car was represented by Tesla CEO Elon Musk, who made not just a presentation, but a real excursion into the past, present and partially future, telling what the company was 10 years ago, what it is now and what it can be in the future.
In many ways, it was not so much a presentation of a new electric car as the company itself and what it has achieved in recent years. Elon Musk started from afar, literally from the first, his own electric car Tesla Roadster, which became the beginning of the company as such. Continue reading

The debate over electric cars is raging among the world's largest automakers
Among the largest automakers in the world are raging debate about electric vehicles. Some believe that electric cars produced by companies other than Tesla have a chance of becoming a…


The reality of Chinese electric cars may surprise you
China is the world's largest market for electric vehicles. As the Chinese government continues to insist on expanding electric mobility, its impact on the global vehicle market cannot be overstated.…


Plug-in-hybrids — "enabling technology" for the transition to electric vehicles
Many consider plug-in hybrids to be a transitional stage between cars with internal combustion engines and fully electric cars, but automakers are bringing new plug-in hybrid models to the market,…
