By the mid-2020s, the prices for electric buses will be equal to the ice analogues
Analytical report Bloomberg NEF Electric Vehicle Outlook 2019 indicated that the sale of ice cars in 2018 reached its peak and then the world will move faster to electric vehicles.…

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5 records set by Renault electric vehicles
Thanks to new technologies, rapidly growing market, huge investments from manufacturers, electric mobility is on the way to the revolutionary development of tomorrow's transport and that's why! Wireless charging of…

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Plug-in-hybrids — "enabling technology" for the transition to electric vehicles
Many consider plug-in hybrids to be a transitional stage between cars with internal combustion engines and fully electric cars, but automakers are bringing new plug-in hybrid models to the market,…

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some entrepreneurs involved

Elon Musk: Tesla is successful because we were not taken seriously

In celebration of its 70th anniversary, MotorTrend magazine interviewed Elon Musk, a man who has changed the modern automotive world in many ways. In this interview, the CEO of Tesla answered several interesting questions, in particular why no one has been able to approach the level of Tesla.

Speaking about the success and importance of his company for the modern automotive industry, Elon Musk noted that this is ensured by the fact that at the time (recall that this year Tesla was 16 years old), representatives of the world industry simply did not believe that the company that decided to start producing electric cars will be able to achieve at least some success. According to the Mask, competition actually was not, so how to compete no one was going. Continue reading

What electric vehicles will debut in the coming years?
Automakers and startups are preparing a fleet of new electric vehicles, crossovers, SUVs and even pickups for the coming model years. For example, new electric cars that will go to…


Plug-in-hybrids — "enabling technology" for the transition to electric vehicles
Many consider plug-in hybrids to be a transitional stage between cars with internal combustion engines and fully electric cars, but automakers are bringing new plug-in hybrid models to the market,…


Head of Volkswagen advanced technology Center: "our batteries prolong the life of the car»
Frank bloom explains in an interview how batteries change a car, what drivers need to know about charging their electric cars, and what advances can be expected in the next…
