What can France tell the world about selling electric cars?
France plans to ban fossil-fuel-powered cars by 2040, and Paris has said it will ban them by 2030. However, only 2% of all cars sold in France in 2018 were…

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The reasons why electric cars are better than hydrogen cars are named
The fuel cell vehicles despite its apparent efficiency and environmental friendliness — are doomed. This is mainly due to the emergence of stronger competitors among electric vehicles. This opinion was…

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Used batteries from electric vehicles can disrupt the energy sector and create value for energy storage
The battery does not expire after it has already exhausted its initial use in an electric vehicle. Batteries have great potential for reuse in stationary energy storage systems. In addition,…

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Moderate skepticism: electric cars are definitely not more harmful than diesel cars

Electric cars pollute the environment by 11-28% more than comparable diesel cars. Such a loud statement was made a month ago by a group of German scientists, which attracted a lot of media attention in Germany.
However, their “research” was quickly refuted by real experts and qualified as unscientific.

It all started when Hans-Werner Sinn published an article (in German) on CO2 emissions from different energy sources. In the press release accompanying the article, which was included in the media, it was indicated that “electric cars are not a panacea for climate protection”, and the meaning of the article itself was that electric cars are more harmful than diesel analogues. Continue reading

Plug-in-hybrids — "enabling technology" for the transition to electric vehicles
Many consider plug-in hybrids to be a transitional stage between cars with internal combustion engines and fully electric cars, but automakers are bringing new plug-in hybrid models to the market,…


5 records set by Renault electric vehicles
Thanks to new technologies, rapidly growing market, huge investments from manufacturers, electric mobility is on the way to the revolutionary development of tomorrow's transport and that's why! Wireless charging of…


A study on the example of the VW Golf: the ownership of the electric car cheaper than cars with internal combustion engines in 5 European countries
Electric cars have become cheaper to own than their petrol or diesel alternatives in five European countries — the UK, Germany, France, the Netherlands and Norway. In the course of…
